Situated in the magnificent Waterberg Mountains of the Limpopo province, it is the leading accommodation and conference hotel with 145 bedrooms, featuring all modern conveniences. It is the ideal getaway where travellers en route to Botswana, Zimbabwe and the Kruger National Park can relax and revel in the great natural beauty of the Limpopo Province.
Corner Thabo Mbeki & Beitel Streets
Mokopane 0600
South Africa
Tel +27 (0)15 491 3101
Email: /
Situated in the magnificent Waterberg Mountains of the Limpopo province, it is the leading accommodation and conference hotel with 145 bedrooms, featuring all modern conveniences. It is the ideal getaway where travellers en route to Botswana, Zimbabwe and the Kruger National Park can relax and revel in the great natural beauty of the Limpopo Province.
Corner Thabo Mbeki & Beitel Streets
Mokopane 0600
South Africa
Tel +27 (0)15 491 3101
Email: /